Basic info
Information about the auction:
Please note that published information about the items being sold is only illustrative and is not a determinant of their technical condition. It is recomended to get acquainted with the current technical condition of the Auction Subject. By entering into the Auction (submission of the purchase offer) you accept the current technical condition of the item (also in case if it differs from the data included in the valuation prepared by an appraiser).
ATTENTION: In case of auctions concerning vehicles of Fraikin Polska Sp. z o.o. the process of issuing a VAT invoice for the purchase of a vehicle may be extended. The buyer will receive a confirmation of payment in form of a prepayment invoice issued by Fraikin Polska Sp. z o.o. The vehicle may be handed over no sooner than after payment of the price and commission fee.
Winning the auction is not equal to purchase of item, the final offer adjudication belongs to the owner of the item at the end of the auction.
For more information on the items and the auction please call:
(71) 715 60 17
or e-mail to:
Warszawska 45